1. Notarized Sworn Statement - (RDO Copy & Receiving Copy)
Requirements for Sworn Statement:
2. Notarized Special Power of Attorney (if Individual) or Board Resolution (if Non-Individual)
Requirements for Board Resolution:
3. Photocopy of Owner, Board Directors (if non-individual) and Representative's ID with 3 specimen signatures
4. Printed copy of "Registration-POS-SA"
This will come from Logic8. This is generated after encoding application of PTU at BIR Eaccreg Website.
5. Printed copy of "BIR Eaccreg Application for Account Enrollment" sent to owner's/authorized representative's email.
This confirmation message will be sent by eAccreg_eSales@bir.gov.ph after submitting an application for Account Enrollment.
NOTE: After receiving this email from BIR, the requirements should be submitted to the RDO where your business is registered, within three (3) working days. Failure to submit the requirements may forfeit your application or may give you charge/penalty for late submission of requirements.